• £3.50

Each box (matchbox size) contains 6 seed balls to grow beautiful wildflowers in a window box, balcony pot or garden bed. One box will cover 1-2 pots.

Each box contains a different bee friendly wildflower mix (see below for details), with each seed ball containing approximately 30 seeds.

A little card is also included to explain what the balls are and how to use them- they’re incredibly easy to use – simply scatter on top of soil/compost (no digging or expertise required!) and nature will do the rest. These make for lovely gardening gifts, bee and butterfly gifts, or eco friendly Mother’s Day gifts.

Best scattered in the Autumn or Spring

Green box - includes Birdsfoot Trefoil, Red Clover, Viper’s Bugloss and Wild Marjoram.

Pink box - mix of Meadow buttercup, Oxeye daisy, Red clover, Self heal and Yarrow.

Teal box - a mix of Common toadflax, Cornflower, Cowslip, Meadow cranesbill, Musk mallow, Oxeye daisy and Red campion